Class, power, and monarchy: Thoughts on today’s bank holiday

Image reads: "Another World is Possible" and has the logo of the IWW education workers

The following statement was written by a member of the TEFL Workers’ Union steering committee. It broadly expresses the sentiments of the wider union’s activist base: an uncompromising commitment to working class solidarity, comradely criticism of the wider labour movement, and an unflinching opposition to all social structures of hierarchy, domination, and exploitation. The TEFL … Read more

“Exploitation with a smile” Zoom event with JPB Gerald

Saturday October 15th, 4:00. Free. The TEFL Workers’ Union is proud to be hosting an online event with JPB Gerald, author of the forthcoming book Antisocial English Language Teaching: English and the Pervasive Pathology of Whiteness.  We’ll be holding a zoom talk with JPB on the topic of alienation, exploitation, and racism within the English … Read more


Melissa Angarita Cardenas was a Sales Rep at SEDA College on Capel Street one ofthe largest English Language Schools in Dublin, Ireland. She challenged heremployer in 2020 and finally won a ruling for payment totalling over €40,000 byIreland’s ACAS, the Workplace Relations Commission or the WRC this month.The total awarded was €44,849. But she went … Read more

IWW Workplace Organiser Training

An image advertising the IWW workplace organiser training

We all want and deserve decent working conditions. But the experience of far too many of us is precarious work, a lack of communication from management, and wages that mean we struggle to get a mortgage or start a family. On top of this, far too many of us only receive the statutory minimum when … Read more

Dodgy contracts & sub-minimum wage pay

An account and tips from a fellow ELT teacher The TEFL Workers’ Union received this account from an online teacher who wanted to share their experience of dealing with a dodgy TEFL school.  The issues covered – unclear pay rates, dodgy contracts, confusing and contradictory statements from management – will be all-too-familiar to many of … Read more

Workplace Heat: Guidance for Language School Workers

Heatwaves are becoming increasingly common in the UK. Language schools are rarely purpose-built and, sadly, few employers are willing to spend the money to do anything beyond basic repairs. We’ve all experienced leaky roofs, drafty and/or stuffy staff rooms, and windows painted shut. With temperatures set to regularly hit the mid-30s, it’s important workers know … Read more